Walking Through Life with Grace No Matter What

As we are eagerly starting 2021, I can’t avoid looking back. I know maybe I am the only one but I want to reflect on 2020 to search for the precious gem hidden in the pains we have collectively experienced. With those experiences in mind, a sentence pops in my mind “walk through life with grace”.
Grace in the sense of composure, gentleness, peacefulness. Grace is powerful, it can muffle the loudest noises, it has the same effect of water poured into fire and it eases any form of adversity.
When we consciously choose to embrace grace in any given circumstance, we automatically add lightness into our life and like a blanket on a winter night, It brings warmth, softness and humbleness and weakens fear, sadness and anger.
Nowadays we have access to an incredible amount of information. The constant escalation of sensational news story after sensational news story. An overload of information can create an overload of emotions. If we are not aware or deny its power, then we are incapacitated to help ourselves.
Awareness it’s the sliding door between conscious or passive living — we can’t change what we don’t know or we are not open to recognise. But once we are aware, we can pause, realise what’s happening to us, to our mind, emotions and body and we can plan the actions to take. We can create a support system around us to navigate through the constant uncertainty we face every day.
So how can we walk through life with grace considering what’s happening outside?
Choose silence, not a submissive silence but an empowering silence, the one that carries healing energy, that speaks a thousand words and takes us back to inner peace. Silence carries us from one mental place to another. It is the necessary transition to shift from anger and despair to hope and love. We can then use our energy to rebuild from a place of calmness. Make 2021 humanity rebirth and start the collective healing process we all need.
Immerse ourselves in nature. Nature helps us recharge our batteries, we slow down and align with its rhythm. We go within and we find stillness and peace. Whatever is our preference, ocean, mountain, garden, animals, let’s make time to regenerate. The effortless grace we witness in nature is breathtaking, like a magical dance between millions of different elements. Nature brings us back to be present and we can only learn and benefit from spending more time in it.
Perform spontaneous acts of kindness and move from a self-centred way of living to a more community-focussed mentality. Seek opportunities to help during your everyday day life, when walking on the street, or driving or grocery shopping. A small gesture can have wonderful ripple effects. A simple smile can make someone else’s day, even with a mask on, a smile can be felt, by the softness of the eyes. Kindness makes us feel closer to each other and gives us a sense of safety, comfort and hope so let it be the thing we spread in 2021.
Become an observer with the intention to find grace. To witness the many and overlapping world events with special glasses, the one that shows us the world in slow motion and allows us to discover the hidden grace. We can find light in a dark picture and meaning in a bleak situation because when everything unfolds in slow motion, we take time to pause and reflect. When distancing ourselves from our emotions, our perspective changes. We then see the same events under a totally new light.
What 2020 taught us is that our lives are undeniably interconnected on a global level, we are all dependent on each other. A lot is happening but we still have the power to choose how to respond. If together we make walking through life with grace a collective vision, we are able to create a better world to live in, no matter what 2021 has in mind for us to experience.